When checking for library dupplication, I ran androidDependencies and got this:
+--- com.melnykov:floatingactionbutton:1.2.0
| \--- com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:21.0.2
+--- me.drakeet.materialdialog:library:1.2.2
+--- Android Workspace:SwipeLibrary:unspecified
| \--- LOCAL: android-support-v4.jar
\--- com.android.support:appcompat-v7:22.0.0
\--- com.android.support:support-v4:22.0.0
\--- LOCAL: internal_impl-22.0.0.jar
so I excluded android support v4 in the app build.gradle: (theres no file in libs folder)
compile(project(':SwipeLibrary')) {
exclude module: 'support-v4'
but apparently it does not work. The dexDebug still throws UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added. How can I get rid of this issue?