I am looking for a way that I can combine multiple wave files into one wave file using python and run it on linux. I don't want to use any add on other than the default shell command line and default python modules. For example, if I have a.wav and b.wav. I want to create a c.wav which start with the content from a.wav then b.wav. I've found wave module, that I can open a wave file and write into a new file. Since i'm really new in this audio world. I still can't figure out how to do it. Below is my code
import struct, wave
waveFileA = wave.open('./a.wav', 'r')
waveFileB = wave.open('./b.wav', 'r')
waveFileC = wave.open('./c.wav', 'w')
lengthA = waveFileA.getnframes()
for i in range(0,lengthA):
lengthB = waveFileB.getnframes()
for i in range(0,lengthB):
When i run this code, I got this error:
wave.Error: # channels not specified
Please can any one help me?