Firebase iOS Failed to fetch default token Error D

2019-09-04 04:25发布


I keep getting the error in the title when I run my Firebase application. I believe it is preventing me from executing database queries. For example FIRAuth.auth()?.currentUser is nil after logging in.

After research, I believe I have to add a keychain to my project. When I turn on keychain sharing in (xCode -> targets -> capabilities) I get the error in the screen cap below.

Do I need to add some sort of certificate in Keychain Access (application)?

I'm not using the messaging feature, so I don't think I need to add the .p12 certificate suggested here.

Do I need to add some sort of keychain in the Firebase console?

I've confirmed that my BundleID is correct.

Do I need to change something here:

I have followed all the setup steps here.


I found the solution!msg/firebase-talk/xvjyJUMFL1Y/rhsF7EQEBQAJ

There's a bug in my version of Firebase -- pod update resolved this issue