I try to use CloudKit
subscriptions in my app, but didReceiveRemoteNotification
not get triggered.
I saved CKSubscription
to CloudKit
. To be sure they exists, when app starts, I plot them out, like:
<CKSubscription: 0x15576310; ; Query Subscription: recordType=DailyVote, predicate=TRUEPREDICATE, subscriptionOptions=7, subscriptionID=1FA456A6-9BA5-411D-97B9-1EB57121A5D0, zoneID=(null)> predicate: TRUEPREDICATE subscriptionType: (Enum Value) subscriptionOptions: C.CKSubscriptionOptions
I try to register my device at APN server, as apple doc recommend, but error delegate method get called, with message:
func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
application.registerUserNotificationSettings(UIUserNotificationSettings(forTypes: .Alert, categories: nil))
return true
func application(application: UIApplication, didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError error: NSError) {
println("error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
//error: no valid aps-environment entitlement found for application
capability is on- I have no invalid provision profile
- I have done the trick:
>pick your Account
>pick your Team
>View Details
- I even created a fresh App, with new iCloud Container, moved all the logic, but the error is the same and subscription notification does not work.