Calculate decibels

2019-01-16 12:01发布


I'm recording mic input using the XNA library (I don't think this is really technology specific, but it never hurts). Every time I get a sample I would like to calculate the decibels. I have done many searches on the internet and not found a rock solid example...

Here is my attempt at calculating decibels from a sample:

        double peak = 0;

        for (var i = 0; i < _buffer.Length; i = i + 2)
            var sample = BitConverter.ToInt16(_buffer, i);
            if (sample > peak)
                peak = sample;
            else if (sample < -peak)
                peak = -sample;

        var decibel = (20 * Math.Log10(peak/32768));

If I output the decibel value to the screen I can see the values get higher as I get louder and lower as I speak softer. However, it always hovers around -40 when I'm absolutely quiet...I would assume it would be -90. I must have a calculation wrong in the block above?? from what I have read on some sites -40 is equivalent to "soft talking"...however, it's totally quiet.

Also, If I mute my mic it goes straight to -90.

Am I doing it wrong?


When measuring the level of a sound signal, you should calculate the dB from the RMS value. In your sample you are looking at the absolute peak level. A single (peak) sample value determines your dB value, even when all other samples are exactly 0.

try this:

double sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < _buffer.length; i = i + 2)
    double sample = BitConverter.ToInt16(_buffer, i) / 32768.0;
    sum += (sample * sample);
double rms = Math.Sqrt(sum / (_buffer.length / 2));
var decibel = 20 * Math.Log10(rms);

For 'instantaneous' dB levels you would normally calculate the RMS over a segment of 20-50 ms. Note that the calculated dB value is relative to full-scale. For sound the dB value should be related to 20 uPa, and you will need to calibrate your signal to find the proper conversion from digital values to pressure values.


I appreciate Han's post, and wrote a routine that can calculate decibels on 8 and 16 bit audio formats, with multiple channels using his example.

public double MeasureDecibels(byte[] samples, int length, int bitsPerSample,
        int numChannels, params int[] channelsToMeasure)
        if (samples == null || length == 0 || samples.Length == 0)
            throw new ArgumentException("Missing samples to measure.");
        //check bits are 8 or 16.
        if (bitsPerSample != 8 && bitsPerSample != 16)
            throw new ArgumentException("Only 8 and 16 bit samples allowed.");
        //check channels are valid
        if (channelsToMeasure == null || channelsToMeasure.Length == 0)
            throw new ArgumentException("Must have target channels.");
        //check each channel is in proper range.
        foreach (int channel in channelsToMeasure)
            if (channel < 0 || channel >= numChannels)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid channel requested.");

        //ensure we have only full blocks. A half a block isn't considered valid.
        int sampleSizeInBytes = bitsPerSample / 8;
        int blockSizeInBytes = sampleSizeInBytes * numChannels;
        if (length % blockSizeInBytes != 0)
            throw new ArgumentException("Non-integral number of bytes passed for given audio format.");

        double sum = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < length; i = i + blockSizeInBytes)
            double sumOfChannels = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < channelsToMeasure.Length; j++)
                int channelOffset = channelsToMeasure[j] * sampleSizeInBytes;
                int channelIndex = i + channelOffset;
                if (bitsPerSample == 8)
                    sumOfChannels = (127 - samples[channelIndex]) / byte.MaxValue;
                    double sampleValue = BitConverter.ToInt16(samples, channelIndex);
                    sumOfChannels += (sampleValue / short.MaxValue);
            double averageOfChannels = sumOfChannels / channelsToMeasure.Length;
            sum += (averageOfChannels * averageOfChannels);
        int numberSamples = length / blockSizeInBytes;
        double rootMeanSquared = Math.Sqrt(sum / numberSamples);
        if (rootMeanSquared == 0)
            return 0;
            double logvalue = Math.Log10(rootMeanSquared);
            double decibel = 20 * logvalue;
            return decibel;


I think Yann means that Decibels are a relative scale. If you're trying to measure the actual Sound Pressure Level or SPL, you would need to calibrate. What you're measuring is dBFS (decibels full-scale, I think). You're measuring how many decibels quieter the signal is than the loudest possible signal the system can represent (the "full-scale" signal, or 32768 for these 16-bit samples). That's why all the values are negative.