Yii Widget, unexpected ), where is the error?

2019-09-04 02:38发布


  $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbAlert', array(
      'block'=>true, // display a larger alert block?
      'fade'=>true, // use transitions?
      'closeText'=>'&times;', // close link text - if set to false, no close link is displayed
      'alerts'=>array( // configurations per alert type
        ), // success, info, warning, error or danger

PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in /dev/shm/untitled.php on line 14

I really can't find the error and watched it like 100 times. Need to implement this widget, thanks!

There are 4 opening parenthesis and 4 closing. Commas are ok, so... ?


  $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbAlert', array(
    ), // you have comma here - it's mistake


see instruction


php: >=5.4.0