I have a simple Angular/Ionic app and am trying to share the status of a Boolean variable between two controllers, so different messages in the app are shown depending on if the variable is true or false. At the moment one of the controllers only reads the value initially and is not updated when it is changed.
Here is the controller which is responsible for changing the state of the variable:
.controller('SettingsCtrl', function($scope, Settings) {
$scope.notifications = Settings.notifications;
$scope.toggle = function() {
if (Settings.notifications == false) Settings.switchOnNotifications();
else Settings.switchOffNotifications();
$scope.notifications = Settings.notifications;
And here is the secondary controller which is only reading the status of the variable:
.controller('HomeCtrl', function($scope, Settings) {
$scope.notifications = Settings.notifications;
Here is the service storing the variable:
.factory('Settings', function() {
var o = { notifications: false };
o.switchOnNotifications = function() {
o.notifications = true;
o.switchOffNotifications = function() {
o.notifications = false;
return o;
And here is the html I am trying to update as the variable is changed:
<div ng-hide='notifications'>
Switch on visit notifications
<div ng-show='notifications'>
You are due at the gym in:
May be something quite straightforward, any help appreciated.