I have done a sample project based on blog.moovdemos.com to test the moovweb solution.
After testing it on on local system I deployed the project on moovweb cloud. I have learnt that one need to own the domain to be able to access it from internet. However, as per documentation, it is still available within moovapp.com domain.
While I am trying to access my site through moovapp.com domain I get moovweb warning page as below
Warning: the webpage you are attempting to access is a Moovweb Remixed™ version of mshruthijanardhan14047.blog.moovdemos.com. Should you choose to continue, Moovweb is not responsible for the contents of this webpage.
[Agree and continue] [Decline]
However, on chossing [Agree and continue] I get following message instead of site page
Failed to establish a connection with upstream (dial tcp: lookup [muser1234].blog.moovdemos.com: no such host)
please help me what is wrong here?