form not found error. MS Access SQL

2019-09-03 18:42发布


I'm getting an error saying that Access cannot find the referenced form CFRRR but there is definitely a form there. Not sure if I'm just not writing the code correctly.

Public Function AssignNullProjects() As Long 
    Dim db As dao.Database 
    Dim rs As dao.Recordset 
    Dim strSQL As String 
    Set db = CurrentDb 
    strSQL = "SELECT CFRRRID, [program], [language] FROM CFRRR WHERE assignedto Is Null" 
    Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset) 
    If Not rs.BOF And Not rs.EOF Then 
        While Not rs.EOF 
            strSQL = "UPDATE CFRRR SET assignedto = " & GetNextAssignee & ", assignedby = " & [Forms]![CFRRR]![assignedby] & ", Dateassigned = #" & Now & "#, actiondate = #" & Now & "#, Workername = " & _ [Forms]![CFRRR]![assignedto] & ", WorkerID = " & [Forms]![CFRRR]![assignedto] & " WHERE CFRRRID = " & rs!CFRRRID
            db.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError 
    End If 
    Set rs = Nothing 
    Set db = Nothing
End Function 

Public Function GetNextAssignee(program As String, Language As String) As Long 
    ' Returns UserID as a Long Integer with the lowest [TS] value, 
    ' and updates same [TS] by incremented with 1. 
    Dim db As dao.Database 
    Dim rs As dao.Recordset 
    Dim strSQL As String 
    Set db = CurrentDb 
    strSQL = "SELECT TOP 1 WorkerID FROM attendance WHERE [Programs] LIKE '*" & program & "*' AND [Language] = '" & Language & "' AND [Status] = '" & Available & "' ORDER BY TS ASC" 
    Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset) 
    If Not rs.BOF And Not rs.EOF Then 
        'Found next assignee, update date/time stamp 
        'strSQL = "UPDATE tblUser SET TS = " & DMax("[TS]", tblUser) + 1 & " WHERE [WorkerID]= " & rs!workerid 
        strSQL = "UPDATE attendance SET TS = " & DMax("[TS]", "attendance") + 1 & " WHERE [WorkerID]= " & rs!workerid 
        db.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError 
        GetNextAssignee = rs!workerid 
        'Field TS has NO VALUE FOR ALL RECORDS! 
        'Code calling this function should check for a return of 0 indicating an error. 
        GetNextAssignee = 0 
    End If 
    Set rs = Nothing 
    Set db = Nothing 
End Function