matplotlib:组箱线图(matplotlib: Group boxplots)

2019-09-03 18:40发布


假设我们有三组“A”,“B”和“C”,并为每个我们要创建一个箱图两个“苹果”和“橘子”。 如果某组直接是不可能的,我们可以创建所有六个组合和并排放置它们线性的一面。 将是可视化的分组最简单的方法是什么? 我想避免因为我的方案不仅仅涉及“A”更长时间的名字刻度标记设定成类似“A +苹果”。

Answer 1:



from pylab import plot, show, savefig, xlim, figure, \
                hold, ylim, legend, boxplot, setp, axes

# function for setting the colors of the box plots pairs
def setBoxColors(bp):
    setp(bp['boxes'][0], color='blue')
    setp(bp['caps'][0], color='blue')
    setp(bp['caps'][1], color='blue')
    setp(bp['whiskers'][0], color='blue')
    setp(bp['whiskers'][1], color='blue')
    setp(bp['fliers'][0], color='blue')
    setp(bp['fliers'][1], color='blue')
    setp(bp['medians'][0], color='blue')

    setp(bp['boxes'][1], color='red')
    setp(bp['caps'][2], color='red')
    setp(bp['caps'][3], color='red')
    setp(bp['whiskers'][2], color='red')
    setp(bp['whiskers'][3], color='red')
    setp(bp['fliers'][2], color='red')
    setp(bp['fliers'][3], color='red')
    setp(bp['medians'][1], color='red')

# Some fake data to plot
A= [[1, 2, 5,],  [7, 2]]
B = [[5, 7, 2, 2, 5], [7, 2, 5]]
C = [[3,2,5,7], [6, 7, 3]]

fig = figure()
ax = axes()

# first boxplot pair
bp = boxplot(A, positions = [1, 2], widths = 0.6)

# second boxplot pair
bp = boxplot(B, positions = [4, 5], widths = 0.6)

# thrid boxplot pair
bp = boxplot(C, positions = [7, 8], widths = 0.6)

# set axes limits and labels
ax.set_xticklabels(['A', 'B', 'C'])
ax.set_xticks([1.5, 4.5, 7.5])

# draw temporary red and blue lines and use them to create a legend
hB, = plot([1,1],'b-')
hR, = plot([1,1],'r-')
legend((hB, hR),('Apples', 'Oranges'))


Answer 2:

这里是我的版本。 它存储基于类别的数据。

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

data_a = [[1,2,5], [5,7,2,2,5], [7,2,5]]
data_b = [[6,4,2], [1,2,5,3,2], [2,3,5,1]]

ticks = ['A', 'B', 'C']

def set_box_color(bp, color):
    plt.setp(bp['boxes'], color=color)
    plt.setp(bp['whiskers'], color=color)
    plt.setp(bp['caps'], color=color)
    plt.setp(bp['medians'], color=color)


bpl = plt.boxplot(data_a, positions=np.array(xrange(len(data_a)))*2.0-0.4, sym='', widths=0.6)
bpr = plt.boxplot(data_b, positions=np.array(xrange(len(data_b)))*2.0+0.4, sym='', widths=0.6)
set_box_color(bpl, '#D7191C') # colors are from
set_box_color(bpr, '#2C7BB6')

# draw temporary red and blue lines and use them to create a legend
plt.plot([], c='#D7191C', label='Apples')
plt.plot([], c='#2C7BB6', label='Oranges')

plt.xticks(xrange(0, len(ticks) * 2, 2), ticks)
plt.xlim(-2, len(ticks)*2)
plt.ylim(0, 8)

我矮的声誉,所以我可以将图像不张贴在这里。 你可以运行它,看到的结果。 基本上它是非常相似,莫莉做。


Answer 3:

一个简单的方法是使用大熊猫 。 我改编自一个例子绘图文件 :

In [1]: import pandas as pd, numpy as np

In [2]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(12,2), columns=['Apples', 'Oranges'] )

In [3]: df['Categories'] = pd.Series(list('AAAABBBBCCCC'))

In [4]: pd.options.display.mpl_style = 'default'

In [5]: df.boxplot(by='Categories')
array([<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot object at 0x51a5190>,
       <matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot object at 0x53fddd0>], dtype=object)

Answer 4:


df = pd.DataFrame({'Group':['A','A','A','B','C','B','B','C','A','C'],\
df = df[['Group','Apple','Orange']]

        Group    Apple     Orange
    0      A  0.465636  0.537723
    1      A  0.560537  0.727238
    2      A  0.268154  0.648927
    3      B  0.722644  0.115550
    4      C  0.586346  0.042896
    5      B  0.562881  0.369686
    6      B  0.395236  0.672477
    7      C  0.577949  0.358801
    8      A  0.764069  0.642724
    9      C  0.731076  0.302369

您可以使用Seaborn库这些地块。 首先melt数据帧格式的数据,然后创建你所选择的箱线图。

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

Answer 5:


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def color_box(bp, color):

    # Define the elements to color. You can also add medians, fliers and means
    elements = ['boxes','caps','whiskers']

    # Iterate over each of the elements changing the color
    for elem in elements:
        [plt.setp(bp[elem][idx], color=color) for idx in xrange(len(bp[elem]))]

a = np.random.uniform(0,10,[100,5])    

bp = plt.boxplot(a)
color_box(bp, 'red')


Answer 6:


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def custom_legend(colors, labels, linestyles=None):
    """ Creates a list of matplotlib Patch objects that can be passed to the legend(...) function to create a custom

    :param colors: A list of colors, one for each entry in the legend. You can also include a linestyle, for example: 'k--'
    :param labels:  A list of labels, one for each entry in the legend.

    if linestyles is not None:
        assert len(linestyles) == len(colors), "Length of linestyles must match length of colors."

    h = list()
    for k,(c,l) in enumerate(zip(colors, labels)):
        clr = c
        ls = 'solid'
        if linestyles is not None:
            ls = linestyles[k]
        patch = patches.Patch(color=clr, label=l, linestyle=ls)
    return h

def grouped_boxplot(data, group_names=None, subgroup_names=None, ax=None, subgroup_colors=None,
                    box_width=0.6, box_spacing=1.0):
    """ Draws a grouped boxplot. The data should be organized in a hierarchy, where there are multiple
        subgroups for each main group.

    :param data: A dictionary of length equal to the number of the groups. The key should be the
                group name, the value should be a list of arrays. The length of the list should be
                equal to the number of subgroups.
    :param group_names: (Optional) The group names, should be the same as data.keys(), but can be ordered.
    :param subgroup_names: (Optional) Names of the subgroups.
    :param subgroup_colors: A list specifying the plot color for each subgroup.
    :param ax: (Optional) The axis to plot on.

    if group_names is None:
        group_names = data.keys()

    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    nsubgroups = np.array([len(v) for v in data.values()])
    assert len(np.unique(nsubgroups)) == 1, "Number of subgroups for each property differ!"
    nsubgroups = nsubgroups[0]

    if subgroup_colors is None:
        subgroup_colors = list()
        for k in range(nsubgroups):
        assert len(subgroup_colors) == nsubgroups, "subgroup_colors length must match number of subgroups (%d)" % nsubgroups

    def _decorate_box(_bp, _d):
        plt.setp(_bp['boxes'], lw=0, color='k')
        plt.setp(_bp['whiskers'], lw=3.0, color='k')

        # fill in each box with a color
        assert len(_bp['boxes']) == nsubgroups
        for _k,_box in enumerate(_bp['boxes']):
            _boxX = list()
            _boxY = list()
            for _j in range(5):
            _boxCoords = zip(_boxX, _boxY)
            _boxPolygon = plt.Polygon(_boxCoords, facecolor=subgroup_colors[_k])

        # draw a black line for the median
        for _k,_med in enumerate(_bp['medians']):
            _medianX = list()
            _medianY = list()
            for _j in range(2):
                plt.plot(_medianX, _medianY, 'k', linewidth=3.0)

            # draw a black asterisk for the mean
            plt.plot([np.mean(_med.get_xdata())], [np.mean(_d[_k])], color='w', marker='*',
                      markeredgecolor='k', markersize=12)

    cpos = 1
    label_pos = list()
    for k in group_names:
        d = data[k]
        nsubgroups = len(d)
        pos = np.arange(nsubgroups) + cpos
        bp = plt.boxplot(d, positions=pos, widths=box_width)
        _decorate_box(bp, d)
        cpos += nsubgroups + box_spacing

    plt.xlim(0, cpos-1)
    plt.xticks(label_pos, group_names)

    if subgroup_names is not None:
        leg = custom_legend(subgroup_colors, subgroup_names)


data = { 'A':[np.random.randn(100), np.random.randn(100) + 5],
         'B':[np.random.randn(100)+1, np.random.randn(100) + 9],
         'C':[np.random.randn(100)-3, np.random.randn(100) -5]

grouped_boxplot(data, group_names=['A', 'B', 'C'], subgroup_names=['Apples', 'Oranges'], subgroup_colors=['#D02D2E', '#D67700'])

文章来源: matplotlib: Group boxplots