What I am trying to do is the following (which I necessarily don't know if it's even possible); I know a run time type. I know which method I want to invoke in run time. However, I don't know this in compile time.
The GetFunction method won't be able to create a delegate of the given methodInfo since the inparam isn't of type object.
Is there a way to create a delegate of a function where I only know a Type and a MethodInfo of the method I wish to delegate?
public sealed class Functions {
public static int SetStrValue(string s) {
// set a string
public static int SetIntValue(int i) {
// set an int
public sealed class GetFunctions {
public Func<object, int> GetFunction(Type type, MethodInfo methodInfo) {
// what I would like to do.
Func<object, int> func = Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<object, int>), methodInfo);
return t => func(t);
public class InvokeFunctions {
public void invokeFunction() {
Type t = typeof(String);
MethodInfo methodInfo = typeof(Functions).GetMethod("SetStrValue");
int i = GetFunctions.GetFunction(t, methodInfo).Invoke("hello");
You can use expression trees to create a delegate. As the compile time type is not known you could try to cast the parameter to the appropriate type at runtime.
public sealed class GetFunctions
public static Func<object, int> GetFunction(MethodInfo methodInfo)
var obj = Expression.Parameter(typeof (object), "obj");
var convert = Expression.Convert(obj, methodInfo.GetParameters().First().ParameterType);
var call = Expression.Call(methodInfo, convert);
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, int>>(call, obj);
return lambda.Compile();
public class InvokeFunctions
public void invokeFunction()
MethodInfo methodInfo = typeof(Functions).GetMethod("SetStrValue");
int i = GetFunctions.GetFunction(methodInfo).Invoke("hello");
MethodInfo methodInfo2 = typeof(Functions).GetMethod("SetIntValue");
int i2 = GetFunctions.GetFunction(methodInfo2).Invoke(1);
I've removed the Type
parameter and taken it directly from Method's first parameter, If that's not the intended behavior you can change it.
You can use generics to simplify this to just:
public sealed class Functions
public static int SetValue<T>(T input)
// set a value of type T
And call the function with:
Or you could use a generic delegate definition if you still want to use delegates:
public delegate int MyDelegateFunction<T>(T input);