Access Remote Glassfish4 Server from Eclipse Luna

2019-09-03 15:29发布


I am working on a Mac.

I am running Linux Ubuntu server in a VirtualBox. GlassFish 4 and MySql are already running there. The Linux IP is

On the guest system (Mac) I am running Eclipse Luna. I installed the GlassFish Tools for Eclipse Luna and restarted Eclipse.

Then I wanted to add server for GlassFish4. But Eclipse is asking me for "Server root" and I have no clue what it means! I entered "" just as I can access GlassFish from the host system (Mac OS) by a browser. But it just doesn't accept that URL. It seems to expect a local directory path. Here is the dialog box:

Thanks in advance for any hints!!


You need to install a Glassfish4 Server to your local machine (the one Eclipse is running on) despite the fact that you want to connect to and manage a remote Glassfish server; Eclipse will use some of the files in that local installation to manage the remote Glassfish server. Assuming you already have Glassfish4 installed on a remote machine:

[For example purposes]

  • Let's assume the remote Glassfish server is at on default port 4848 for administration and you've set a password for 'admin' user as 'gfish'.
  • Let's also assume that your local desktop (development machine running Eclipse Luna) is at

  • Download Glassfish4 Open Source edition zip

  • Unzip the contents to a directory on your local machine: let's say inside of path /glassfish_server/ you will now have:
    /glassfish_server/glassfish4/glassfish/ structure

Back in Eclipse:

  1. Create a New Server -> Select 'Glassfish4' option
  2. Server's Hostname =[remote ip address] // E.G.
    Server Name: GlassFish 4 at // get's auto-filled
  3. [Next] This is the page you were specifically having issue with:
    Set the Root Path to your Local Glassfish Server install directory
    so in this example: /glassfish_server/glassfish4/glassfish/ should be accepted
  4. [Next] Now use the credentials and configuration for your remote glassfish server. Run a Ping-Test to test connection.


The server root means the directory where GlassFish is located. This might be, for example, /opt/glassfish4/glassfish. Eclipse needs this so that it can look for the bin/ directory and be able to start/stop the server using the scripts in there.