As you can see below, when I open test.txt and put the words into a set, the difference of the set with the common_words set is returned. However, it is only removing a single instance of the words in the common_words set rather than all occurrences of them. How can I achieve this? I want to remove ALL instances of items in common_words from title_words
from string import punctuation
from operator import itemgetter
N = 10
words = {}
linestring = open('test.txt', 'r').read()
//set A, want to remove these from set B
common_words = set(("if", "but", "and", "the", "when", "use", "to", "for"))
title = linestring
//set B, want to remove ALL words in set A from this set and store in keywords
title_words = set(title.lower().split())
keywords = title_words.difference(common_words)
words_gen = (word.strip(punctuation).lower() for line in keywords
for word in line.split())
for word in words_gen:
words[word] = words.get(word, 0) + 1
top_words = sorted(words.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:N]
for word, frequency in top_words:
print "%s: %d" % (word, frequency)
I wrote some code recently that does something similar, although the style is very different from yours. Maybe it will help you out.
import string
import sys
def main():
# get some stop words
stopf = open('stop_words.txt', "r")
stopwords = {}
for s in stopf:
stopwords[string.strip(s)] = 1
file = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
filedata =
histogram = {}
count = 0
for word in words:
word = string.strip(word, string.punctuation)
word = string.lower(word)
if word in stopwords:
histogram[word] = histogram.get(word, 0) + 1
count = (count+1) % 1000
if count == 0:
print '*',
flist = []
for word, count in histogram.items():
flist.append([count, word])
for pair in flist[0:100]:
print "%30s: %4d" % (pair[1], pair[0])
Strip punctuation out before you make it a set, you do:
keywords = title_words.strip(punctuation).difference(common_words)
Which tries to call the strip
method of the title_words
, which is a set
(only str
has this method). You could do something like this instead:
for chr in punctuation:
title = title.replace(chr, '')
title_words = set(title.lower().split())
keywords = title_words.difference(common_words)
You just want the difference()
method for this, but it looks like your example is buggy.
is a set, and doesn't have the strip()
Try this instead:
title_words = set(title.lower().split())
keywords = title_words.difference(common_words)
If title_words
is a set, then there is only one occurrence of any one word. So you only need to remove one occurrence. Have I misunderstood your question?
I'm still a bit confused by this question, but I notice that one problem might be that when you pass your initial data through set
, the punctuation hasn't been stripped yet. So there may be multiple punctuated versions of a word slipping through the .difference()
operation. Try this:
title_words = set(word.strip(punctuation) for word in title.lower().split())
Also, your words_gen
generator is written in a slightly confusing way. Why line in keywords
-- what's the line? And why are you calling split()
again? keywords
ought to be a set of straight words, right?
You've succeeded in finding the top N most uniquely punctuated words in your input file.
Run this input file through your original code:
the quick brown fox.
The quick brown fox?
The quick brown fox!
the quick, brown fox
And you'll get the following output:
fox: 4
quick: 2
brown: 1
Notice that fox
appears in 4 variations: fox
, fox?
, fox!
, and fox.
The word brown
appears only one way. And quick
appears only with and without a comma (2 variations).
What happens when we add fox
to the common_words
set? Only the variation that has no trailing punctuation is removed, and we're left with the three punctuation-adorned variants, giving this output:
fox: 3
quick: 2
brown: 1
For a more realistic example, run MLK's I Have a Dream speech through your method:
justice: 4
children: 3
today: 3
rights: 3
satisfied: 3
nation: 3
day: 3
ring: 3
hope: 3
injustice: 3
Dr. King says "I Have a Dream" eight times in that speech, yet dream
doesn't show up at all on the list. Do a search for justice
and you'll find four (4) punctuated flavors:
- until "justice rolls
- palace of justice: In the
- make justice a reality
- path of racial justice.
So what went wrong? It looks like this method has been through a lot of rework, considering the names of the variables don't seem to match their purpose. So let's go through (moving some code around a bit, my apologies):
Open the file and slurp the whole thing into linestring
, good so far except for the variable name:
linestring = open(filename, 'r').read()
Is this a line or a title? Both? In any event, we now lowercase the whole file and split it up by whitespace. Using my test file, this means title_words now contains fox?
, fox!
, fox
, and fox.
title = linestring
title_words = set(title.lower().split())
Now the attempt to remove the common words. Let's assume our common_words contains fox
. This next line removes fox
but leaves fox?
, fox!
, and fox.
keywords = title_words.difference(common_words)
The next line really looks legacy to me, as if it was meant to be something like for line in linestring.split('\n') for word in line.split()
. In the current form, keywords
is just a list of words, so line
is just a word without spaces, so for word in line.split()
has no effect. We just iterate over every word, remove punctuation, and make it lowercase. words_gen
now contains 3 copies of fox: fox
, fox
, fox
. We've removed the one un-punctuated version.
words_gen = (word.strip(punctuation).lower() for line in keywords
for word in line.split())
The frequency analysis is pretty spot-on. This creates a histogram based on the words in the words_gen generator. Which ultimately gives us the N most uniquely punctuated words! In this example, fox=3
words = {}
for word in words_gen:
words[word] = words.get(word, 0) + 1
top_words = sorted(words.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:N]
So there's the what-went-wrong. Others have posted clear solutions for word frequency analysis, but I'm in a bit of a performance frame of mind, and came up with my own variant. First, split the text into words using a regular expression:
# 1. assumes proper word spacing after punctuation, if not, then something like
# "I ate.I slept" will return "I", "ATEI", "SLEPT"
# 2. handles contractions properly. E.g., "don't" becomes "DONT"
# 3. removes any unexpected characters such as Unicode Non-breaking space and
# non-printable ascii characters (MS Word inserts ASCII 0x05 for
# in-line review comments)
clean = re.sub("[^\w\s]+", "", text.upper())
words = clean.split()
Now based on Python Performance Tips for Initializing Dictionary Entries (and my own measured performance), find the top N most frequent words:
# first create a dictionary that will count the number of words.
# using defaultdict(int) is the 2nd fastest method I measured but
# the most readable. It was very close in speed to "if not w in freq" technique
freq = defaultdict(int)
for w in words:
freq[w] += 1
# remove any of the common words by deleting common keys from the dictionary
for k in common_words:
if k in freq:
del freq[k]
# Ryan's original top-N selection was the fastest of several
# methods I tried including using dictview and lambda functions
# - sort the items by directly accessing item[1] (i.e., the value/frequency count)
top = sorted( freq.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:N]
And to close with Dr. King's speech with all articles and pronouns removed:
('OF', 99)
('TO', 59)
('AND', 53)
('BE', 33)
('WE', 30)
('WILL', 27)
('THAT', 24)
('IS', 23)
('IN', 22)
('THIS', 20)
And, for kicks, my performance measurments:
Original ; 0:00:00.645000 ************
SortAllWords ; 0:00:00.571000 ***********
MyFind ; 0:00:00.870000 *****************
MyImprovedFind ; 0:00:00.551000 ***********
DontInsertCommon ; 0:00:00.649000 ************
JohnGainsJr ; 0:00:00.857000 *****************
ReturnImmediate ; 0:00:00
SortWordsAndReverse ; 0:00:00.572000 ***********
JustCreateDic_GetZero ; 0:00:00.439000 ********
JustCreateDic_TryExcept ; 0:00:00.732000 **************
JustCreateDic_IfNotIn ; 0:00:00.309000 ******
JustCreateDic_defaultdict ; 0:00:00.328000 ******
CreateDicAndRemoveCommon ; 0:00:00.437000 ********
Not ideal, but works as a word frequency counter (which is what this appears to be aiming at):
from string import punctuation
from operator import itemgetter
import itertools
N = 10
words = {}
linestring = open('test.txt', 'r').read()
common_words = set(("if", "but", "and", "the", "when", "use", "to", "for"))
words = [w.strip(punctuation) for w in linestring.lower().split()]
keywords = itertools.ifilterfalse(lambda w: w in common_words, words)
words = {}
for word in keywords:
words[word] = words.get(word, 0) + 1
top_words = sorted(words.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:N]
for word, frequency in top_words:
print "%s: %d" % (word, frequency)