I have created a semi-custom Addon function for products. I created a new relationship table in the backend which connects one product to another product (through a checkbox and an ajax request in the backend).
What I am having trouble with is how to manipulate the populate_orders_path so that I can pass various variant/product id's to the cart at the same time.
Currently in my cart form partial I have this:
<div id="product-addons" class="col-md-6">
<h3 class="product-section-title">Add Ons</h3>
<%= image_tag('short-line-2.png', class: 'hundy') %>
<% addons = Addon.where(product_id: @product.id) %>
<% addons.each_with_index do |a, index| %>
<%= a.inspect %>
<% product_addon = Spree::Product.where(id: a.product_addon_id).first %>
<% addon_variant = Spree::Variant.where(product_id: a.product_addon_id).first %>
<% addon_image = Spree::Asset.where(viewable_id: addon_variant.id).first %>
<div class="col-lg-12">
<%= image_tag('/spree/products/' + addon_image.id.to_s + '/mini/' + product_addon.images[0].attachment_file_name) %>
<%= check_box_tag "products[#{a.id}][]", addon_variant.id, index == 0 %>
<span style="margin-left: 6px;"><%= product_addon.name %></span>
<% end %>
But I am not sure what to do with
<%= hidden_field_tag "variant_id", @product.master.id %>
in order for it to use multiple ID's. Any help would be much appreciated.