I am using Angularjs $q.all(promises)
to make multiple REST call and then collecting the data once promise is successful. I have following following.
If "promises is simple array then it works Plunker
var promises = [ Users.query().$promise, Repositories.query().$promise ];
If "promises" is simple object then also it works Plunker
var promises = { users: Users.query().$promise, repos: Repositories.query().$promise };
If "promises" is nested object then it is not working. For my requirement I need nested object to remember the input parameters. Plunker
var promises = { users: {"phx":Users.query().$promise}, repos: {"phx":Repositories.query().$promise} };
These plunkr are just to simulate my problem. However I want this approach in real project for following requirement.
I have list of 12 product
Each product has "details", "benefits" and "offers" data
- I have separate REST API services for "details", "benefits" and "offers" having :productID as parameter
I am making call in following order
a. Loop for each cards
b. For each card, make a REST API call for "details", "benefits" and "offers"
c. Add #b steps into "promises" object
d. call
$q.all(promises).then(function(results) { // Here need logic to compile the result back to product // and corresponding "details", "benefits" and "offers" mapping }
and get the data back
Following is json structure I needed to collect my response.
"prod1": {
"benefits": {},
"offers": {},
"pages": {
"productPage": {}
"common": {
"benefits": {},
"pages": {
"commonBenefit": {}
"others": {}
How can I achieve this?