I am investigating how to get thread ID when the function timer_create() is called. I observed that everytime the timer_create() is called, a new thread (child thread of main process) is created. I verified this with ps -eL|grep
I need to get the same TID (child thread ID) displayed by ps -eL inside my program which uses timer_create. From code below: How do I get the TID 18018 inside my program?
I have researched all the posts and each one mentions that a new thread is created on calling the notification function and not calling timer_create().
I appreciate your help very much!
SLGTRACER_DEFINE(testMain, "testMain");
timer_t audit_timer1;
void timeoutHandler(sigval_t info)
slgInfo(testMain, "timeoutHandler invoked");
slgInfo(testMain, "gettid() = %lu TESTMAIN", syscall(SYS_gettid));
slgInfo(testMain, "getpid() = %d TESTMAIN", getpid());
int main(void)
slgInfo(testMain, "testMain Invoked");
struct sigevent evp1;
evp1.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD;
evp1.sigev_value.sival_ptr = &audit_timer1;
evp1.sigev_notify_function = timeoutHandler;
evp1.sigev_notify_attributes = NULL;
const int ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE = 50;
slgInfo(testMain, "Before FIRST timer_create");
// Create timer thread
if (timer_create(CLOCK_REALTIME, &evp1, &audit_timer1) != 0)
// Character buffer for storing error message.
char errBuff[ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE];
memset(errBuff, 0, ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE);
"timer_start create failed. Error = %s",
strerror_r(errno, errBuff, ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE));
bzero(&audit_timer1, sizeof(audit_timer1));
slgInfo(testMain, "After FIRST timer_create");
return 0;
bash-3.1# ps -eL|grep testM
16651 16651 pts/0 00:00:00 testMain
16651 18018 pts/0 00:00:00 testMain
child thread with ID created by timer_create() = 18018