I have a page with few owl carousels. I would like to be able to set some parameters for these owl carousels in HTML code (using a class or data attribute).
Assuming I have two data attributes defined in my HTML, I have created following jQuery code:
$(".owl-carousel").each(function( index ) {
var items_no = $(this).data('slides');
var autoplay = $(this).data('autoplay');
items : items_no,
autoplay: autoplay
And as you may expect it is not working. The parameters from first owl carousel are applied to all carousels. I have no idea how to make it work. Below is a fiddle with my attempt.
I would be very grateful for anyone that is able to fix it for me. Thanks in advance
Should be:
$(".owl-carousel").each(function (index) {
var items_no = $(this).data('slides');
var autoplay = $(this).data('autoplay');
$(this).owlCarousel({ // use $(this)
items: items_no,
autoplay: autoplay
Here is an easier way to use data attributes with the Owl Carousel:
var oc = $('.owl-carousel');
var ocOptions = oc.data('carousel-options');
var defaults = {
loop: true,
nav: false,
autoplay: true,
oc.owlCarousel( $.extend( defaults, ocOptions) );
Your HTML would look like this:
<div class="owl-carousel" data-carousel-options='{"autoplay":"true","autoplayTimeout":"6000","items":"2"}'> ... </div>
In the example above, I've defined some default options in my defaults
variable, and then I override them with the data attributes as well as added a few more.
This is possible by using jQuery.extend()
. Documentation can be found here: https://api.jquery.com/jquery.extend/