I'm back again - thanks to the kind folks here, especially @Jester and @PeterCordes, I have three out of my four target platforms working. I have Win 32 and Win 64 working, and I have OS X 64 working, but I can't seem to make OS X assembly work in 32-bit using the libc library.
I can do a "hello world" and other things using syscall (64-bit) and int 0x80 (32-bit), and I can make _printf work in 64-bit, but I can't manage to make it work in 32-bit.
In theory, I need to push the parameters onto the stack and then 16-byte align the stack, but I get a segmentation fault: 11 error when I run the code.
8 section .data
10 hello db "Hello, world", 0x0a, 0x00
12 section .text
14 global _main
15 extern _printf, _exit
17 _main:
18 push hello
19 sub esp, 12 ; 16-byte align stack
20 call _printf
22 add esp, 16 ; undo stack alignment
23 push 0
24 sub esp, 12 ; 16-byte align stack
25 call _exit
I've tried it without the stack aligning code and I get the same error. I've found various samples online and I could not make them work, and I've even done the trick with using GCC to output Intel-syntax assembler and I could not manage to translate it to nasm.
I'm using nasm because it works on Windows, OS X, and Linux, so that way I only need to learn one assembler syntax.
I realize that all the Intel Macs are 64-bit, but they can run 32-bit code so I want to be able to follow it and understand it. This is all aimed at helping me reverse-engineer malware.