我与编程火花流,但有一些麻烦与斯卡拉。 我想使用的功能StreamingContext.fileStream
def fileStream[K, V, F <: InputFormat[K, V]](directory: String)(implicit arg0: ClassManifest[K], arg1: ClassManifest[V], arg2: ClassManifest[F]): DStream[(K, V)]
创建监视新文件在Hadoop兼容的文件系统,并使用特定键值的类型和输入格式读取它们一个输入流。 文件名开头。 被忽略。 K键式读取HDFS文件V值类型读取HDFS文件F输入格式读取HDFS文件目录HDFS目录监视新文件
我不知道如何通过键和值的类型。 我在火花流代码:
val ssc = new StreamingContext(args(0), "StreamingReceiver", Seconds(1),
System.getenv("SPARK_HOME"), Seq("/home/mesos/StreamingReceiver.jar"))
// Create a NetworkInputDStream on target ip:port and count the
val lines = ssc.fileStream("/home/sequenceFile")
public class MyDriver {
private static final String[] DATA = { "One, two, buckle my shoe",
"Three, four, shut the door", "Five, six, pick up sticks",
"Seven, eight, lay them straight", "Nine, ten, a big fat hen" };
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
String uri = args[0];
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(URI.create(uri), conf);
Path path = new Path(uri);
IntWritable key = new IntWritable();
Text value = new Text();
SequenceFile.Writer writer = null;
try {
writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(fs, conf, path, key.getClass(),
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
key.set(100 - i);
value.set(DATA[i % DATA.length]);
System.out.printf("[%s]\t%s\t%s\n", writer.getLength(), key,
writer.append(key, value);
} finally {