
Jenkins QC plugin Can't create TDConnection Ob

2019-09-03 05:03发布


I'm attempting to use the Jenkins QC plugin, but when I build on jenkins i'm getting the following console errors

Started by user anonymous

Building in workspace C:\Users\builder.jenkins\workspace\QC Plugin [QC Plugin] $ cscript /nologo "C:\Users\builder.jenkins\workspace\QC Plugin\runTestSet.vbs" http://****** Caine test test qcreport-test-4.xml 100 RUN_PLANNED_HOST C:\Users\builder.jenkins\workspace\QC Plugin\runTestSet.vbs(163, 5) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: ActiveX component can't create object: 'TDApiOle80.TDConnection'

5/30/2012 2:55:04 PM : Script parameters:

5/30/2012 2:55:04 PM : ***************************

5/30/2012 2:55:04 PM : QC Server : *

5/30/2012 2:55:04 PM : QC UserName : *

5/30/2012 2:55:04 PM : QC Password : **

5/30/2012 2:55:04 PM : QC Domain : **

5/30/2012 2:55:04 PM : QC Project : *

5/30/2012 2:55:04 PM : QC TestSetFolder: test

5/30/2012 2:55:04 PM : QC TestSetName : test

5/30/2012 2:55:04 PM : XML Junit File : qcreport-test-4.xml

5/30/2012 2:55:04 PM : Timeout : 100

5/30/2012 2:55:04 PM : ***************************

5/30/2012 2:55:04 PM : RunMode : RUN_PLANNED_HOST

5/30/2012 2:55:04 PM : ***************************

Can't create TDConnection Object

Creating report...

Generating report file

Report file path: qcreport-test-4.xml

| Test Name | Status | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Report Created

FATAL: Couldn't run tests

Build step 'HP Quality Center' marked build as failure

Finished: FAILURE

Anyone any idea how to get around this?


The bug seems known but not fixed. It seems like the problem is of 32 vs 64 bits and has a workaround.

There are also other potential explanations, like privileges