I'm having trouble making the wait/get future mechanism work with a member function of user defined class returning a non-void type.
I wrote a very simple example below, the reference wrapping inside the instruction
std::future<int> fut = std::async( &BasicClass::funcInt, std::ref(anObject) );
fails at compile time
#include <iostream> // cout
#include <future> // async, future
using std::cout;
using std::async;
using std::future;
class BasicClass
{ public:
int funcInt(){return 119;}
void funcVoid(){cout << "\nvoid funcVoid()";}
int main()
BasicClass anObject;
std::thread thread1( &BasicClass::funcVoid, std::ref(anObject));
std::future<int> fut = std::async( &BasicClass::funcInt, std::ref(anObject));
int a = fut.get();
return 0;
The reference wrapping works find for a thread with a member function returning a void type works fine.
std::thread thread1( &BasicClass::funcVoid, std::ref(anObject));
Can you explain the issue?