There is a lot of questions on this theme but i couldn't find one that is fitting me.
I have camera movement script which looks like this:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
[AddComponentMenu("Camera-Control/Smooth Mouse Look")]
public class SmoothMouseLook : NetworkBehaviour
[Header("Character camera.")]
private Camera myCamera;
[Header("Location where camera will always be looking at.")]
public Transform characterHead;
[Header("How fast will camera zoom work")]
public float cameraScrollSensitivity = 2f;
[Header("Default position of camera")]
public Vector3 cameraPos = new Vector3(0, 2, 0);
public Vector3 minPos = new Vector3(-4, -4, -5);
public Vector3 maxPos = new Vector3(4, 4, -1);
[Header("How fast will camera move on Y axis")]
public float cameraSensitivityY = 0.8f;
[Header("How fast will camera move on X axis")]
public float cameraSensitivityX = 0.8f;
public enum InvertX { False = 0, True = 1 }
public enum InvertY { False = 0, True = 1 }
public InvertX invertX = InvertX.False;
public InvertY invertY = InvertY.False;
void Start()
if (!isLocalPlayer)
Camera.main.gameObject.transform.parent = this.transform;
Camera.main.gameObject.transform.localPosition = cameraPos;
myCamera = Camera.main;
void Update()
if (!isLocalPlayer)
Vector3 currPos = myCamera.transform.localPosition;
currPos.z += Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") * cameraScrollSensitivity;
if (currPos.z > maxPos.z)
currPos.z = maxPos.z;
if (currPos.z < minPos.z)
currPos.z = minPos.z;
if (Input.GetMouseButton(2))
if(invertY == 0)
currPos.y -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * cameraSensitivityY / 10;
currPos.y += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * cameraSensitivityY / 10;
if (invertX == 0)
currPos.x += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * cameraSensitivityX / 10;
currPos.x -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * cameraSensitivityX / 10;
if (currPos.y > maxPos.y)
currPos.y = maxPos.y;
if (currPos.y < minPos.y)
currPos.y = minPos.y;
if (currPos.x > maxPos.x)
currPos.x = maxPos.x;
if (currPos.x < minPos.x)
currPos.x = minPos.x;
myCamera.transform.localPosition = currPos;
This script is attached to character and camera is it's child.
Just as title says, problem is that camera can go through mesh (objects and terrain).
I tried setting Culling mask to 0.01 and 1 (default is 0.3) but nothing happens.
I tried adding collider which works BUT when i push camera to the ground it collides, doesn't let camera down but it lift character up :/
Only idea i have is coding it with raycast but since i am new to all this i wanted to check if there is any other way of doing it (like with collider but do not lift character) because it will take a lot of my time figuring it out with raycast.