while i'm developing my android app on my HTC sensation, i can't run the app directly from eclipse. this problem only occurs when i'm using ICS phones and it's almost a hit or miss, the app would start sometimes without actually reinstalling, it would just start the old version of my app; other times it would work perfectly for a while before it stops starting the app...
the console shows this for everything(working , not working, not updating etc)
[2012-03-21 21:08:57 - ActionBarSherlock] /Users/tom91136/Downloads/android-sdk-mac_x86/platform-tools/aapt crunch -v -S /Users/tom91136/Dropbox/workspace_sora_client/ActionBarSherlock/res -C /Users/tom91136/Dropbox/workspace_sora_client/ActionBarSherlock/bin/res
[2012-03-21 21:08:57 - ActionBarSherlock] Crunching PNG Files in source dir: /Users/tom91136/Dropbox/workspace_sora_client/ActionBarSherlock/res
[2012-03-21 21:08:57 - ActionBarSherlock] To destination dir: /Users/tom91136/Dropbox/workspace_sora_client/ActionBarSherlock/bin/res
[2012-03-21 21:08:57 - ActionBarSherlock] Crunched 0 PNG files to update cache
[2012-03-21 21:08:57 - YUKI] Starting full Post Compiler.
[2012-03-21 21:08:57 - YUKI] ------------------------------
[2012-03-21 21:08:57 - YUKI] Android Launch!
[2012-03-21 21:08:57 - YUKI] adb is running normally.
[2012-03-21 21:08:57 - YUKI] Performing com.sora.cbir.yuki.image.leaf.Init activity launch
[2012-03-21 21:08:58 - YUKI] Uploading YUKI.apk onto device 'HT174V803256'
[2012-03-21 21:09:00 - YUKI] Installing YUKI.apk...
[2012-03-21 21:09:01 - YUKI] Success!
[2012-03-21 21:09:01 - ActionBarSherlock] Could not find ActionBarSherlock.apk!
[2012-03-21 21:09:01 - YUKI] Starting activity com.sora.cbir.yuki.image.leaf.Init on device HT174V803256
a full restart of the phone would fix the problem temporarily, but then it would happen again if i re-plug the usb cable or just simply quit my app
this does not happen on emulators of any version , also gingerbread phones
any ideas on how to solve this issue? it's very annoying to restart my phone all the time
PS: restarting eclipse doesn't help, rebooting also doesn't work