I have searched the problem, but everyone seems to have problems with graphics updating too slow.
To present my situation:
I have a JFrame which I set to full screen, by using a compatible display mode. Within the JFrame I have a couple of JPanels and JButtons... On one of JPanels I am drawing moving objects that need to be updated.
I am updating the graphics like this : validate and repaint the JFrame, then revalidate and repaint the corresponding JPanel. The graphics are updating too fast. (I need to mention that on the JPanel I am overriding the paintComponent method). I have tried to use BufferStrategy on the JFrame, however this will prevent me from showing the JPanels and JButtons (have no idea why).
I also take this oppurtunity to ask some of you guys if you can give a clear distinction between paint, validate, repaint, revalidate, invalidate, etc... all the tutorials barely scratch the surface.