I have objects in Parse called "Post" and within that, I have columns called "title" and "content". I am trying to ask the user for an input value and save this as a variable, also called "content". If the user's input value ("content") matches a "content" value already saved in parse.com, I want to replace the "content" value in parse.com with the variable saved in "newlocation" (also inputted by the user).
The replacing part is not working and I am getting the error "objects.set is not a function". What am I doing incorrectly and what can I change so that if the variable "content" matches a content value in parse.com, it is replaced with the variable saved in "newlocation"? Thank you in advance.
My code is shown below:
function postsSameAs(content){
var Post = Parse.Object.extend("Post");
var query = new Parse.Query(Post);
query.equalTo("content", content);
return query.find();
var content = $("#post-original").val();
var newlocation = $("#post-new").val();
console.log("replacing " + JSON.stringify(objects));
objects.set("newlocation", newlocation); //should replace the "content" value in parse.com to the variable saved in "newlocation"
return objects.save();
window.alert("You have successfully replaced " + content + " to " + newlocation);
}, function(error) {
console.log("error " + JSON.stringify(error));