I want to render events and appointments on thesame page. But when I use the needs api from the AppointmentController to have access to EventsController, I can see that it returns appointments inside the 'events controller content property' when inspected. But when i try to use that returned content that contains 'appointments' to fetch out the appointments it fails. I am fetching events content in AppintmentsController with eventAppt = this.get('controllers.events').get('model'); which fetches the content and this returned content has 'appointments' as part of its data, but when I try to get the list of appointments inside the returned content's data using: eventAppt.get('appointments'); this.set('content', myAppoint);, it always fails with Cannot call method 'indexOf' of undefined.
The jsfiddle
App.AppointmentsController = Em.ArrayController.extend({
needs: ['events'],
appoint: function(){
console.log("this: ", this.toString());
var eventAppt = this.get('controllers.events').get('model');
//This returns the correct data that includes 'appointments'
var myAppoint= eventAppt.get('appointments');
this.set('content', myAppoint);
//This fails with 'Cannot call method 'indexOf' of undefined'
The EventController
App.EventsController = Em.ArrayController.extend({
The model:
App.Event = DS.Model.extend({
title: DS.attr('string'),
start: DS.attr('date'),
allDay: DS.attr('boolean'),
appointments: DS.hasMany('App.Appointment')
Does any one have an idea why this is not working.