Iterating over array of objects in Handlebars

2019-09-02 18:55发布


I'm actually doing this in a JSON object but for this question, I will simplify. I can't seem to get my Handlebars template to build correctly. Here is a sample array of objects that I am passing:

    var data = {
        DocumentInfo: [
                Category: "General",
                DocumentList: [
                        DocumentName: "Document Name 1 - General",
                        DocumentLocation: "Document Location 1 - General"
                        DocumentName: "Document Name 2 - General",
                        DocumentLocation: "Document Location 2 - General"
                Category: "Unit Documents",
                DocumentList: [
                        DocumentName: "Document Name 1 - Unit Documents",
                        DocumentList: "Document Location 1 - Unit Documents"
                Category: "Minutes"

Here is the Handlebars template and Div where it's going:

<div id="DocumentResults"></div>

<script id="document-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
        {{#if DocumentInfo}}
                    <div class="row">
                        <div class="col-md-12">
                                <p>{{DocumentName}} at {{DocumentLocation}}</p>
            <p>There are no documents available at this time</p>

Finally, here is the JavaScript that builds the Handlebars output:

    var source = $.trim($("#document-template").html());
    var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
    var $docData = $(template(data));

The problem is, the only thing that is generated are the header fields. Why won't it iterate over my other array (DocumentList) for each Category? And, the only way I can get the header values to display is to use {{this}}. If I replace it with {{Category}} nothing displays. I can't see what it is that I'm doing wrong here.


Check this jsfiddle:

var source = $("#document-template").html();
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
var html = template(data);

I were still focused on {{#each}} for iteration; # is a shortcut actually. Do not confuse {{Category}} and {{#Category}}. The former output a property's value; the latter is a list (see the #).

I let you fine-grained the snippet :)

Hope this helps,
