I am having trouble using this (https://github.com/gsouf/google-url) library as a codeigniter library.
I've downloaded the library from GitHub and placed it in this folder:
And created this file to setup the library as a codeigniter library:
<?phpif (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');class GoogleUrl {
private $g;
function __construct() {
require_once( APPPATH . 'third_party/google-url-master/autoload.php' );
$this->g = new \GoogleUrl;
And then load if trough controller with this line: $this->load->library('googleurl');
But when I load the library it gives me this error:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 65488 bytes) in \application\libraries\googleurl.php on line 11
Looks like its in a loop, but I cannot figure out why this is happening.
I thought/hoped the anser of antoni would help me out, but no success so far: How to Integrate SEOStats with Codeigniter?
Thanks in advance,