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- How do I add a prefix to several variable names using dplyr? 3 answers
I'm trying to use dplyr as much as I can in my operations. Now I have a simple vector containing the string elements I would like to replace in the colnames()
of my data.table.
I read some posts and tried, but can't get my head around how it should look like.
My code
> head(tickerData)
AAK.ST.Open AAK.ST.High AAK.ST.Low AAK.ST.Close AAK.ST.Volume AAK.ST.Adjusted
2007-01-02 199.5 199.5 195.0 198.0 74400 159.54
2007-01-03 198.0 202.5 196.5 202.5 79100 163.17
2007-01-04 201.0 206.0 200.0 204.0 258500 164.38
2007-01-05 204.0 207.0 204.0 205.5 42100 165.59
2007-01-08 205.0 205.0 201.5 205.0 155300 165.18
2007-01-09 203.0 205.0 202.0 204.0 149000 164.38
> colName <- c('Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume', 'Adj.Close')
> tickerData <- tickerData %>% ggplot2::fortify() %>%
+ # rename
+ rename(.dots = setNames(colName, 'new'))
Error: Arguments to rename must be unquoted variable names. Arguments .dots are not.
How should the syntax look like in this case?