I am trying to insert an HTML using my controller to a div, but I do not know what is wrong with my JS code, it always return Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null. Is there anything I missed?
My Controller:
$branchid = $this->input->post('subject_branchid');
$classdata = $this->modeladmin->getclassesviabranch('169APC00002');
$selectoption = "";
foreach ($classdata as $classitems)
$selectoption .= "<option value='".$classitems['class_id']."'>".$classitems['class_name']."</option>";
echo $selectoption;
My View
<select class="form-control" id="subject_branchid" name="subject_branchid" style="width:50%;" onchange="getvalues()">
foreach ($branches as $branch)
echo "<option value='".$branch['branch_id']."'>".$branch['branch_prefix']."</option>";
<input type="text" id="price" name="price" />
<select class="form-control" id="subject_classid" name="subject_classid" style="width:50%;">
<div id="htmlcontainer" name="htmlcontainer"></div>
function getvalues()
//get the value of the select when it changes
var value = $("#subject_branchid").val()
//make an ajax request posting it to your controller
$.post('<?=site_url("admin/test")?>', {data:value},function(result)
//change the input price with the returned value
document.getElementById('#htmlcontainer').innerHTML = '<h1>Something</h1>';