cakephp authenticate basic only valid users

2019-09-02 16:17发布


I am using the Auth with authenticate Basic. Is there a way to check if the user is active = 1? I would like to check that for the Form and the Basic method. The Basic method is used, when a user log in from an iphone app sending username and password via http header.

public $components = array('Session', 'RequestHandler', 'Auth' => array(
        'loginAction' => array(
            'controller' => 'api',
            'action' => 'login'
        'authenticate' => array(
            'Basic' => array(
                'userModel' => 'Appuser',
                'fields' => array(
                    'username' => 'name'
            'Form' => array(
                'userModel' => 'Appuser',
                'fields' => array(
                    'username' => 'name'


Use the scope setting of the AuthComponent and set it using the ALL constant:

public $components = array(
    'Auth' => array(
        'loginAction' => array(
            'controller' => 'api',
            'action' => 'login'
        'authenticate' => array(
            AuthComponent::ALL => array(      // Use this to apply common settings
                'userModel' => 'Appuser',
                'fields' => array(
                    'username' => 'name'
                'scope' => array(
                    '' => 1       // This is the check you need

For more info, refer to this section in the book.