What I have in my index page:
if(isset($_GET['d']) && $_GET['d']!="" ){
switch ($_GET['d']) {
case 'singlerequests':
I have a sidebar menu in which I call cases like index.php?d=singlerequests
, this saves me from creating a new php file every link i want to have in the file.
What I want to do: I created a page, in which I am listing multiple rows of date. My data row has multiple columns so instead of showing all data with all columns on that page, I will only have a summary table and a "View More" link next to each row, in which they view the full data on another page. (something like below)
Row Name | View More Link
Row Name | View More Link
Row Name | View More Link
I can retrieve the unique ID for that row in my code but i dont know how I can pass that data(identifier) through above switch case to another function, where i will display all columns of that row to user? If it's not possible that way, how can i do it in a different way?