I was looking at this answer to see how to test a session controller and wrote something like this:
require 'spec_helper'
describe SessionsController do
context "We should login to the system and create a session" do
let :credentials do
{:user_name => "MyString", :password => "someSimpleP{ass}"}
let :user do
FactoryGirl.create(:user, credentials)
before :each do
post :create , credentials
it "should create a session" do
puts user.inspect
puts session[:user_id]
#session[:user_id].should == user.id
Based on that I created a factory girl user:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :user, :class => 'User' do
name "sample_user"
email "MyString@gmail.com"
user_name "MyString"
password "someSimpleP{ass}"
Now it all works - exceot for the before :each do
statement - it never "logs" the "user" in - thus I cannot test the controllers functionality of, is a session properly created?
Now most would say, use capybara and test it through that way - but that's wrong, IMO - sure if I'm doing front end testing that would work, but I'm testing controller based logic. Can some one tell me why this isn't working? routing works fine.
My puts session[:user_id]
is coming up nil, when it shouldn't