I am facing some issues with parsing a logline.
I Have thousends of loglines and every logline contains a hostname like ABC123DF
I Have writen a regex and I want to apply it to the logline and put the hostname in the field "victim" Like this:
add_field => [ "victim", "/[a-z][a-z][a-z][0-9][0-9][0-9].."
I have used the Mutate filter but the result is
victim /[a-z][a-z][a-z][0-9][0-9][0-9]..
I would like to see:
victim ABC123DF
how do I do this?
You don't even need complex regex action to achieve this. You can use several filters to extract fields. In your case, the grok filter is a good choice.
Let's suppose your log lines look like this:
20:20:20 ABC123DF
Then a grok filter like this would parse the hostname properly:
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{TIME:timestamp} %{HOST:host} %{IP:srcip}" }
You can also use regex inside grok (docs). Example Pattern:
However, I would recommend to avoid regex in grok. It is a better approach to go with the included patterns. Use the grok debugger to find the right patterns for you.
I user this site, http://grokconstructor.appspot.com/do/match#result, to test my regex.
In my mongodb log, I have this text:
2016-05-17T16:26:07.018-0300 I QUERY [conn50628097] getmore
dataBaseName.collectionName query: { empresa: "********" }
cursorid:443889850763 ntoreturn:0 keyUpdates:0 writeConflicts:0
numYields:69 nreturned:8886 reslen:1184746 locks:{ Global: {
acquireCount: { r: 140 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { r: 70 },
acquireWaitCount: { r: 66 }, timeAcquiringMicros: { r: 98046 } },
Collection: { acquireCount: { r: 70 } } } 178ms
For get query and time, in config file, I make this filter:
filter {
if [source] == "/var/log/mongodb/mongod.log" {
grok {
match=> {
"message" => [
after this, you can make:
add_field => [ "tag_text_optional%{you_new_field_name}", "%{you_new_field_name}" ]
So in my case the logline is:
2015-10-20 14:45:42,156 [pool-3-thread-1] INFO audit Terminated abc123df from group LLDS2Cassandra [LOCAL] with NetworkCorruption
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{TIME:timestamp} %{LOGLEVEL} %{VICTIM:victim} " }
And in the grok patterns I put the following line:
VICTIM [a-z][a-z][a-z][0-9][0-9][0-9]
To get the following result:
VALUE: 2015-10-20 14:45:42,156
VALUE: abc123df