In short
Why, based on the code detailed below, is the shouldLoad function not called?
Longer version
My goal
I am trying to construct a Firefox/Iceweasel extension that will cancel/redirect certain url requests.
Based on what I have seen on the web, one way (if I want to intercept every request and not just the top document) to do this is to make an XPCOM component that implements the nsIContentPolicy interface, and register that component in the extension, and have the shouldLoad function examine the requested url and deny when appropriate.
I have implemented a component to the best of my effort, and integrated it with my extension. The component seems to work in the sense that it gets registered in compreg.dat, etc, BUT - the shouldLoad function does not get called, as far as I can tell.
EnvironmentI am developing on Debian Linux using an IceWeasel version corresponding to FireFox 3.5.16.
ExtensionMy extension is based off of an example extension given at In essence, all it does is add a menu item that opens an alert-like dialog saying hello world. it has an onLoad registration that fires and alert saying "onLoad Reporting!". The alert fires without problems every time.
ReferenceI have installed the extension Redirector, seemingly operating on the same principles, and it works (so it is likely to be a mistake in my code rather than the environment being bad).
ComponentMy component implementation is based on various sources I have found on the internet. I have placed it in a file in directory {pathtoextension}/helloworld/components/PolicyComponent.js, and its code is as follows:
const CI = Components.interfaces, CC = Components.classes, CR = Components.results;
var componentobj = null;
function PolicyComponent()
// this.wrappedJSObject = this;
PolicyComponent.prototype = {
classDescription: "My QWERTY nsIContentPolicy XPCOM Component",
classID: Components.ID("{6ffd2f60-3784-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66}"),
contractID: ";1",
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([CI.nsIContentPolicy]),
testFunction: function() { return "Your component is not entirely broken!"; },
_xpcom_categories: [{
category: "content-policy"
_xpcom_factory :
createInstance: function(outer, iid)
if (outer)
if (componentobj == null)
componentobj = new PolicyComponent();
else {}
return componentobj.QueryInterface(iid);
shouldLoad: function(contentType, contentLocation, requestOrigin, aContext, mimeTypeGuess, extra)
if (contentType != Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_DOCUMENT) {
return Ci.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT;
if(-1 !="abc"))
aContext.loadURI("", requestOrigin, null);
return Ci.nsIContentPolicy.REJECT_REQUEST;
return CI.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT;
shouldProcess: function(contentType, contentLocation, requestOrigin, insecNode, mimeType, extra) {
return CI.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT;
var components = [PolicyComponent];
if (XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory)
var NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([PolicyComponent]);
var NSGetModule = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetModule([PolicyComponent]);
The component seems to be recognised by IceWeasel. If I remove compreg.dat and xpti.dat and restart IceWeasel, a grep on content-policy in compreg.dat gives the following result:
...;1,{f66bc334-1dd1-11b2-bab2-90e04fe15c19} content-policy,;1,;1 content-policy,My QWERTY nsIContentPolicy XPCOM Component,;1 content-policy,;1,;1 ...
So it seems as if there is at least something correct with the component. HOWEVER, I can still access web pages with "abc" in the url (which makes believe that the shouldLoad function is not called).
Further infoI have not added anything about the extension to the chrome.manifest file. It is my belief that I need not do that in version 3.5.x of FF/IW.
What's wrong? :)
Would I need to add something to chrome.manifest? Or is that only for FF 4+?
Do I need to somehow instantiate the component/service further? Like in, say, the overlay.js in the onLoad hook?
Do I need to register the component as valid for the extension in a more explicit way, and if so, how?
Thanks in advance!