I need to process the output of a single record psql query through awk before assigning it to a value in my expect script.
The relevant code:
spawn $env(SHELL) send "psql -U safeuser -h db test -c \"SELECT foo((SELECT id FROM table where ((table.col1 = \'$user\' AND table.col2 IS NULL) OR table.col2 = \'$user\') AND is_active LIMIT 1));\" | /bin/awk {{NR=3}} {{ print $1 }}; \r" expect "assword for user safeuser:" send "$safeuserpw\r" expect -re '*' set userpass $expect_out(0, string)
When I run the script, I get:
spawn /bin/bash can't read "1": no such variable "send "psql -U safeuser -h db test -c \"SELECT foo((SELECT id FROM table where ((table.col1 = \'$user\' AND table.col2..."
Is there something glaring that I'm missing here? I was under the impression that the double curly-brackets protected the awk code block.