
How to check a file is video or image?

2019-09-02 06:52发布


I am developing a chat app using parse. I want to play the vodeo when users click on the video message and Display expandable image when the user click on the picture message. for that I need to differentiate image and video. Kindly guide me to do that...


Surely the easiest way will be of course to look at the file extension...?


For future googlers ... on didTapMessageBubbleAtIndexPath delegate you should check for item class

let message = yourMessageArray[indexPath.item]

if message.isMediaMessage() {
    if message.media().isKindOfClass(JSQPhotoMediaItem) {
         //Handle image
    } else if message.media().isKindOfClass(JSQVideoMediaItem) {
         let video = message.media() as! JSQVideoMediaItem
         let videoURL = video.fileURL


Save this information in another field on Parse during the asset upload.