The shapes are at the top of the image.
The code looks like this:
local xOffset = 0
for i = 1, levelPacks[prevCurrentLevelPack][prevCurrentLevel].ammount do
if i == 1 then --setup first one
shapesPrevArray[i].x = 30
shapesPrevArray[i].y = 41
shapesPrevArray[i].isVisible = true
if i > 1 then --setup the rest
--width of previous one plus the x value of the previous one to make them next to eachother.
xOffset = shapesPrevArray[i - 1].width + shapesPrevArray[i - 1].x
print("i:" .. i .. " width:" .. shapesPrevArray[i - 1].width .. " x value:" .. shapesPrevArray[i - 1].x .." xoffset:" .. xOffset)
shapesPrevArray[i].x = xOffset
shapesPrevArray[i].y = 41
shapesPrevArray[i].isVisible = true
xOffset = 0
I'm trying to space all of the images in the array out with the same space between each image. Images in the array have different width. The .x value is at the top left corner of the shapes. Any help would be appreciated.