
Using Nativequery to delete/update records in JTA

2019-09-02 06:45发布


I was stuck in very hard situation for a moment.

The problem is: I have to use NativeQuery to delete and/or update some DB records in a JTA context (EJB).

my JPA persistence.xml looks like:

<persistence-unit name="OzsscJPANBPU" transaction-type="JTA">

If I use delete statement in this way:

public void remove(SmsdOutboxEntity toberemoved){
    em.createNativeQuery("Delete from outbox where \"ID\" = " + toberemoved.getId()).executeUpdate();

TransactionRequiredException thrown:

root cause

Exception Description: No transaction is currently active

Such there is no transaction existing.

If we use transaction manually as:

public void remove(SmsdOutboxEntity toberemoved){
    em.createNativeQuery("Delete from outbox where \"ID\" = " + toberemoved.getId()).executeUpdate();

IllegalStateException thrown:

root cause

javax.ejb.EJBException: EJB Exception: ; nested exception is: 
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The method public abstract javax.persistence.EntityTransaction javax.persistence.EntityManager.getTransaction() cannot be invoked in the context of a JTA EntityManager.

Seems I can't use transaction manually, as JTA will manage transaction their self.

So my question is: How I can use Native Query to delete/update records in a JTA managed context?

Please advise.


For JTA the transaction is provided by the container and you should not create it by yourself. To obtain the transaction in JTA, you have to access it as a resource:

@Resource public UserTransaction utx;
@Resource public EntityManagerFactory factory;

public void remove(SmsdOutboxEntity toberemoved){
   EntityManager em = factory.createEntityManager();
try {
   em.createNativeQuery("Delete from outbox where \"ID\" = " + toberemoved.getId()).executeUpdate();

catch (RuntimeException e) {
    if (utx != null) utx.rollback();
    throw e; // or display error message
finally {

If you want to omit the part where you have commit/rollback the transaction by yourself, you need to have your transaction managed by some container like EJB3. For that you can use stateless/stateful ejb beans.


For WebLogic, try to use its user weblogic.transaction.UserTransaction instead of javax.transaction.UserTransaction. As the doc says:

This interface defines WebLogic-specific extensions to javax.transaction.UserTransaction.