In MySQL workbench (Mac OS), I wanted to join two tables so that I can update the second one. The code I put in was as follows
select, f.remarks, c.pic
from feedback f, customers c
where f.col = c.col
order by;
The output is a read only table, which prevented me from updating table "customers" based on the f.remarks column.
Your advice/suggestion is appreciated. Thank you.
By hovering above the "Read Only" icon, I got the following message:
"Statement must be a SELECT from a single table with a primary key for its results to be editable".
After some research based on the advice given by fellow coders, here are some points to note:
- In MySQL workbench, one cannot edit the results obtained from any JOINs because it's not from a single table;
- In using SELECT from a single table, the primary key must be included in order for the result to be editable.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the question. I appreciate it.
The problem is because, as you mentioned, SELECT
only returns a "read only" result set.
So basically you cant use MySQL workbench to update a field in a read only result set that is returned when using a JOIN statement.
from what i understand you want to update table "customers" based on a query.
maybe this post will help you:
update table based on subquery of table