I have a TabBarController
with two tabs; first is InputViewController
and second one is TableviewController
Input view controller has two text fields when I enter the text, after that I want to receive that text filed value in to TableviewController
(in the next tab). It does not receive the value.
Try to use this concept.....
Declare two variables in Second tab that is Tableviewcotroller..
For exa..
NSString *strname;
NSString *straddr;
@property and @synthesize both...
Now, in your *InputViewCotroller*tab, create and initialize object of TableViewcotroller, using this object, access these varibles. Like, you want to get values of textfields.
Tableviewcotroller *objTable = ........
objTable.strname = self.textName.text;
objTable.straddr = self.txtAddr.text;
Implement this concept in your project...Hope this helps you...:)
What ever value you have in input view controller like
In the method where you are moving to next view you should pass the value to the table view controller like this
DetailViewController*tblViewController=[[DetailViewController alloc]init];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:tblViewController];
you should alos have textValue NSString in tableView controller also to assign value