asp.net5 selfhosted WebListener connection timeout

2019-09-02 04:25发布


I am using asp.net5 web project hosted in console app. It works fine on localhost, but when i try to access this website form different machine like etc., i get ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT. I was trying several arouches like chaning localhost to machine name but none of them works.

hosting.ini file:


Is there any solution for this problem, or hosting in console app is only made for development purposes


Because you have bound your listener to localhost it will only accept connections to (and from) localhost. localhost is special here as it will (at least for Kestrel) always bind to localhost/loopback interface. Everything other than localhost binds to all network interfaces.

If you want it to be reachable by all IPs and be host/domain agnostic, you have to use (or alternatively http://*:5432). If you do, then it will be reachable from all IPs but only if the host name was typed in the browser so still won't work (unable to test the last one right now, but * wild card url should still work).

This way you can run multiple core applications on the same server but but with different hosts/domains.

You can also run two applications on the same domain and same port, if you bind them to different endpoints.

For example and, use same port and same domain but different endpoints and two applications.


Addition information for windows users. You may have to add an exception to the change the local security settings to allow dnx to bind to this port/host (or run it as Admin which would be discouraged), especially when using host and low-numbered ports (80 and 443 respectively).

netsh http add iplisten ipaddress=
netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:80/ user=Example\Username

This will allow applications for the user "Username" in the domain "Example" to start listening on port 80.