I've spent a lot of time on this fgets() problems without any success until now. I'm receiving data from different sources through a HTTP socket. It worked fine until now that I have a lot more different sources.
My goal is just to get rid of the execution timeout of php, just know that it timed out after 15 seconds but go on with the next source.
Here is my small piece of code:
//This is just from php.net, found out that it works pretty good
$time = time();
while (!($temp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errNo, $errMessage, $timeout)))
if ((time() - $time) >= $timeout)
return false;
//If PHP returns an error
if (!($temp)) {
echo 'Socket could not be opened.<br/>';
return false;
$return = "";
if (!fwrite($temp, $out)) {
return false;
//Timeout set to 15 seconds
stream_set_blocking($temp, 0);
$start = time();
while ((time() < ($start + 15))) {
//(Last lines always finishes like this)
if (substr(trim($return),-9) == '"id":"1"}') {
} else {
$return .= fgets($temp, 512);
After some testing I found out that a non-blocking socket gives way better results for this code, however it is still blocking after data has been received for 4 sources. (I tried to change the order so it is not source-dependent)
I tried to use stream_set_timeout($temp) and check the state of the flag in the loop but it doesn't change a thing.
EDIT: I forgot to mention it, but the script is stopping (PHP execution timeout of 30 seconds) at the line with fgets().
Any clues?