I have a dropdown that I want to populate when an item in another dropdown is selected. Both the dropdown are tied to data/model passed on from controller. and the first dropdown is populated from DB by calling a function in the model. Heres' the form,
echo $form->dropDownListRow($modelunit,
'ajax' => array(
echo CHtml::dropDownList('unit_id','', array());
Here's the action user/getunits called by Ajax.
array(':sid'=>(int) $_POST['superunit']));
foreach($data as $value=>$name)
echo CHtml::tag('option',
I keep getting an error "Undefined index: superunit" when first dropdown is selected. Also, you may notice I am using form->dropDownListRow for the first dropdown while using CHtml::dropDownList for the second. That's cause I am clueless on the syntax of how exactly to make sure the dropdown is populated correctly with ajax and at also properly bind to the model.