Let me describe my scenario:
I am developing a command line-based proof-of-concept for the instructional system, and I am writing it in Python. System works on the principles of behavioral psychology. I am rewarding users (children with special needs) for correct answers, and I am giving them correcting consequences for the wrong answers. I am also needing to provide hints to answers if they are struggling with answers.
Here is a high level pseudo code for my application:
- Ask question such as 'What color is grass?'
wait for answer
a. If answer not provided within n seconds issue helping hint (e.g. "Gr, Gree")
b. If answer is not provided within n+m seconds issue a corrective consequence. (e.g.,"Color of the grass is green.Let's try it again. ") and repeat the process
c. If correct answer is provided during any n or n+m time praise the student and repeat the process.
d. If the incorrect answer is provided during any of the n+m time, issue a corrective consequence and repeat the trial.Conclude the trial
So here is my observation and a dilemma:
Once I issue a question to student, I am waiting for events to happen on their own, or for my waiting to time out. I am also supposed to issue a hint during the wait period.
So far, in my main flow I used two threading.Timer
objects, one to issue hint after n seconds and another one to issue corrective consequence if the answer never happens during the n+m period.
If answer happens of any kind during n or n+m time, I cancel the timers.
My question, however, is related to the main process. I also want to cancel the waiting on the answer if the answer waiting time-out happen. Just as I cancel timers, I also want to cancel waiting on the command line for the input if my final no-answer timeout occurs.
I am thinking to have one threading.Thread
(get_answer) and two Timers (provide_hint, timeout_wait).
Thread get_answer is waiting on a response from a command line.
First timer (provide_hint) is giving a hint to user if there is no answer after n seconds.
Second timer (timeout_wait) is canceling out the thread (get_answer) if no answer happens after some period of n+m seconds.
Thread get_answer can cancel both timers if the answer happens be it correct or incorrect.
Questions I have here are:
A) Are my concurrent data structures correctly used and do you have any other suggestions?
B) Are there any possible deadlock issues and how to avoid them?
Thanks in advance.