I am a looking for a way, other than duck typing, to discover if an object inherits from EventEmitter
I suppose I could just check if the object has a couple of those functions that event emitters have been this is just dirty.
Is there a better way to do this with Node.js? Also, if there is a way to determine if something is a stream on top of being an event emitter, that would be useful too.
To check if an object is an instance of an EventEmmitter you can compare it with the EventEmitter from within node. Just require the "events" module which will expose an EventEmmitter.
I found and modified a little snippet for you:
var http = require("http");
http.get("http://nodejs.org/", function (res) {
// res is an EventEmitter that represents the HTTP response
console.log(res instanceof require("events").EventEmitter); // true
console.log(typeof res); // object