I am working on a view that joins multiple table. The data will be entered on separate table based on RepairID. The view will gather the data that is linking to the RepairID. My problem is after I enter the data, the view will show all the probability of the records output. Below are my code of view:
`new`.`SRPartsID` AS `SRPartsID`,
`new`.`RepairID` AS `RepairID`,
`new`.`SRNo` AS `SRNo`,
`new`.`DateReceived` AS `DateReceived`,
`new`.`ShipmentDate` AS `ShipmentDate`,
`tb1stdebug`.`FirstDebugTestingErrorCode` AS `FirstDebugTestingErrorCode`,
`tb1stdebug`.`FirstDebugActionTaken` AS `FirstDebugActionTaken`,
`tb1stdebug`.`FirstDebugComponentLocation` AS `FirstDebugComponentLocation`,
`tb2nddebug`.`SecondDebugTestingErrorCode` AS `SecondDebugTestingErrorCode`,
`tb2nddebug`.`SecondDebugActionTaken` AS `SecondDebugActionTaken`,
`tb2nddebug`.`SecondDebugComponentLocation` AS `SecondDebugComponentLocation`,
`tb3rddebug`.`ThirdDebugTestingErrorCode` AS `ThirdDebugTestingErrorCode`,
`tb3rddebug`.`ThirdDebugActionTaken` AS `ThirdDebugActionTaken`,
`tb3rddebug`.`ThirdDebugComponentLocation` AS `ThirdDebugComponentLocation`,
`tb1stfct`.`FirstFctTestingErrorCode` AS `FirstFctTestingErrorCode`,
`tb1stfct`.`FirstFctActionTaken` AS `FirstFctActionTaken`,
`tb1stfct`.`FirstFctComponentLocation` AS `FirstFctComponentLocation`,
`tb2ndfct`.`SecondFctTestingErrorCode` AS `SecondFctTestingErrorCode`,
`tb2ndfct`.`SecondFctActionTaken` AS `SecondFctActionTaken`,
`tb2ndfct`.`SecondFctComponentLocation` AS `SecondFctComponentLocation`,
`tb3rdfct`.`ThirdFctTestingErrorCode` AS `ThirdFctTestingErrorCode`,
`tb3rdfct`.`ThirdFctActionTaken` AS `ThirdFctActionTaken`,
`tb3rdfct`.`ThirdFctComponentLocation` AS `ThirdFctComponentLocation`
((((((`tbsrparts_new` `new`
LEFT JOIN `tb1stdebug` ON ((`new`.`RepairID` = `tb1stdebug`.`RepairID`)))
LEFT JOIN `tb2nddebug` ON ((`new`.`RepairID` = `tb2nddebug`.`RepairID`)))
LEFT JOIN `tb3rddebug` ON ((`new`.`RepairID` = `tb3rddebug`.`RepairID`)))
LEFT JOIN `tb1stfct` ON ((`new`.`RepairID` = `tb1stfct`.`RepairID`)))
LEFT JOIN `tb2ndfct` ON ((`new`.`RepairID` = `tb2ndfct`.`RepairID`)))
LEFT JOIN `tb3rdfct` ON ((`new`.`RepairID` = `tb3rdfct`.`RepairID`)))
This is my table structure
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| SRPartsID | "int(10) unsigned" | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| RepairID | varchar(200) | NO | | NULL | |
| SRNo | varchar(200) | YES | MUL | NULL | |
| DateReceived | varchar(200) | YES | | NULL | |
| ShipmentDate | varchar(200) | YES | | NULL
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| FirstDebugID | "int(10) unsigned" | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| RepairID | varchar(500) | YES | | NULL | |
| FirstDebugTestingErrorCode | varchar(500) | YES | MUL | NULL | |
| FirstDebugActionTaken | varchar(500) | YES | | NULL | |
| FirstDebugComponentLocation | varchar(500) | YES | | NULL | |
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| SecondDebugID | "int(10) unsigned" | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| RepairID | varchar(500) | YES | | NULL | |
| SecondDebugTestingErrorCode | varchar(500) | YES | MUL | NULL | |
| SecondDebugActionTaken | varchar(500) | YES | | NULL | |
| SecondDebugComponentLocation | varchar(500) | YES | | NULL | |
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| ThirdDebugID | "int(10) unsigned" | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| RepairID | varchar(500) | YES | | NULL | |
| ThirdDebugTestingErrorCode | varchar(500) | YES | MUL | NULL | |
| ThirdDebugActionTaken | varchar(500) | YES | | NULL | |
| ThirdDebugComponentLocation | varchar(500) | YES | | NULL | |
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| FirstFctID | "int(10) unsigned" | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| RepairID | varchar(45) | YES | | NULL | |
| FirstFctTestingErrorCode | varchar(500) | YES | MUL | NULL | |
| FirstFctActionTaken | varchar(500) | YES | | NULL | |
| FirstFctComponentLocation | varchar(500) | YES | | NULL | |
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| SecondFctID | "int(10) unsigned" | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| RepairID | varchar(45) | YES | | NULL | |
| SecondFctTestingErrorCode | varchar(500) | YES | MUL | NULL | |
| SecondFctActionTaken | varchar(500) | YES | | NULL | |
| SecondFctComponentLocation | varchar(500) | YES | | NULL | |
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| ThirdFctID | "int(10) unsigned" | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| RepairID | varchar(45) | YES | | NULL | |
| ThirdFctTestingErrorCode | varchar(500) | YES | MUL | NULL | |
| ThirdFctActionTaken | varchar(500) | YES | | NULL | |
| ThirdFctComponentLocation | varchar(500) | YES | | NULL | |
This is my sample data inserted to the db
| SRPartsID | RepairID | SRNo | DateReceived | ShipmentDate |
| 26050 | 26041 | test2 | 02,July,2015 | Pending |
| FirstDebugID | RepairID | FirstDebugTestingErrorCode | FirstDebugActionTaken | FirstDebugComponentLocation |
| 26048 | 26041 | T00111 | Touch Up | - |
| 26049 | 26041 | T02222 | Retest | - |
| 26053 | 26041 | T08888 | Touch Up | - |
| SecondDebugID | RepairID | SecondDebugTestingErrorCode | SecondDebugActionTaken | SecondDebugComponentLocation |
| 12 | 26041 | T03333 | Touch Up | - |
| 13 | 26041 | T04444 | Retest | - |
| 14 | 26041 | T08888 | Touch Up | - |
| ThirdDebugID | RepairID | ThirdDebugTestingErrorCode | ThirdDebugActionTaken | ThirdDebugComponentLocation |
| 12 | 26041 | T03333 | Touch Up | - |
| 13 | 26041 | T04444 | Retest | - |
| 14 | 26041 | T08888 | Touch Up | - |
| FirstFctID | RepairID | FirstFctTestingErrorCode | FirstFctActionTaken | FirstFctComponentLocation |
| 26052 | 26041 | T08888 | Retest | - |
| SecondFctID | RepairID | SecondFctTestingErrorCode | SecondFctActionTaken | SecondFctComponentLocation |
| 9 | 26041 | T08888 | Touch Up | - |
| 10 | 26041 | T88889 | Retest | - |
| ThirdFctID | RepairID | ThirdFctTestingErrorCode | ThirdFctActionTaken | ThirdFctComponentLocation |
| 7 | 26041 | T08888 | Touch Up | - |
The output on the view shows all the probability of the combination since some of the table has more than 1 records that referring to the same RepairID.Below are the output in image format. I cant paste the table because it reached the maximum characters.
This is the output i want
| SRNo | DateReceived | ShipmentDate | FirstDebugTestingErrorCode | FirstDebugActionTaken | FirstDebugComponentLocation | SecondDebugTestingErrorCode | SecondDebugActionTaken | SecondDebugComponentLocation | ThirdDebugTestingErrorCode | ThirdDebugActionTaken | ThirdDebugComponentLocation | FirstFctTestingErrorCode | FirstFctActionTaken | FirstFctComponentLocation | SecondFctTestingErrorCode | SecondFctActionTaken | SecondFctComponentLocation | ThirdFctTestingErrorCode | ThirdFctActionTaken | ThirdFctComponentLocation |
| test2 | 2, July, 2015 | Pending | T00111 | Touch Up | - | T03333 | Touch Up | - | T05555 | Touch Up | - | T08888 | Retest | - | T08888 | Touch Up | - | T08888 | Touch Up | - |
| test2 | 2, July, 2015 | Pending | T02222 | Retest | - | T04444 | Retest | - | T06666 | Retest | - | T08888 | Retest | - | T08889 | Retest | - | T08888 | Touch Up | - |
| test2 | 2, July, 2015 | Pending | T08888 | Touch Up | - | T08888 | Touch Up | - | T08888 | Touch Up | - | T08888 | Retest | - | T08889 | Retest | - | T08888 | Touch Up | - |