I am trying to make a simple UDP client/server test using Boost::asio. I've already read the documentation and the official tutorials, but I still couldn't get it right.
My problem is specifically on the client side. Here's what I want the client to do: it has to send a simple datagram to the server running at localhost:12345
and then subsequently listen for the response datagram that the server sends. That's not what I am getting, though. Looks like the client is sending the datagram alright, but right after it receives its own datagram! And before someone asks, no, the server is not running :-)
The function send_datagram()
seems to correctly send the datagram, but then async_receive_from()
seems to be triggered by that sent datagram. Here's the complete source code for the client:
#include <boost/array.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using boost::asio::ip::udp;
const char *SERVER_ADDRESS = "localhost";
const char *SERVER_PORT = "12345";
boost::asio::io_service io_service;
udp::resolver resolver(io_service);
udp::resolver::query query(udp::v4(), SERVER_ADDRESS, SERVER_PORT);
udp::endpoint server_endpoint = (udp::endpoint) *resolver.resolve(query);
udp::endpoint remote_endpoint;
boost::asio::ip::udp::socket client_socket(io_service, server_endpoint);
boost::array<char, 2048> recv_buffer;
boost::shared_ptr<std::string> message(new std::string("test"));
void handle_recv(const boost::system::error_code& error, std::size_t /* bytes_transferred */) {
if (error)
std::cout << error.message() << std::endl;
else {
std::cout << "Datagram received" << std::endl;
void handle_send(boost::shared_ptr<std::string> /* message */, const boost::system::error_code& error, std::size_t /* bytes_transferred */) {
if (error)
std::cout << error.message() << std::endl;
else {
std::cout << "Datagram sent" << std::endl;
void recv_datagram() {
boost::bind(&handle_recv, boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred)
void send_datagram() {
boost::bind(&handle_send, message, boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred)
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::cout << "Server address: " << server_endpoint.address() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Server port: " << server_endpoint.port() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Remote address: " << remote_endpoint.address() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Remote port: " << remote_endpoint.port() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Done" << std::endl;
return 0;
Here's the output I'm getting:
Server address:
Server port: 12345
Remote address:
Remote port: 0
Datagram sent
Datagram received
Again, the server was not running during my tests (in fact it isn't even implemented yet!).
I think I'm doing something terrible stupid, but I still haven't figured out what it is.