I have a PHP which lets the user upload to a maximum of 20 files. When I submit the pictures I am getting the following error in the error_log => PHP Warning: Maximum number of allowable file uploads has been exceeded in Unknown on line 0
When I created a phpinfo file under max_file_uploads I have 20 under Local Value and Master Value 'Configuration PHP Core'.
When I open the php.ini file I cannot find the max_file_uploads and when I insert the 'max_file_uploads = 50' the value in my php info file (above) remains the same i.e. 20.
What am I doing wrong please?
I am on a shared host... I tried doing this ini_set('max_file_uploads', 50); but it didn't work.
The host told me that they cannot restart the server as 'on shared hosting, there is no way to reset/restart the server as that would effect hundreds of different accounts'