tI'm implementing a client in java that comunicates to an EPP server via TCP and SSL.
I nead to send some xml-s to the server via SSL an read some xml responses. I dont have a client certificate and I dont nead one. I just nead to be able to send requests to that server and read responses. Im quite new to this topic.
My code is this :
SSLSocketFactory sslsocketfactory = (SSLSocketFactory) SSLSocketFactory.getDefault();
SSLSocket sslsocket = (SSLSocket) sslsocketfactory.createSocket("server.epp.si", 65000);
DataOutputStream outToServerSSL = new DataOutputStream(sslsocket.getOutputStream());
BufferedReader inFromServerSSL = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sslsocket.getInputStream()));
It doesn't depens what string I put in the xml I get always the same greating xml response back.
Now I'm wondering if even the SSL hanshake went OK. How is possible to check it the connection is successfuly established and that the reciever is ready to receive data. So that I exlude the connection problem itself.